Thursday, April 16, 2015


Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron wants us to be in no doubt that he is angry with Ed Balls. Really angry.

Big Dave's been angry before though - on one notable occasion with the European Union over a bill he absolutely was not going to pay, but actually, as it turns out, will have to pay.

It's also just possible the Prime Minister is hoping someone sets his latest public display of anger to music, as happened when he responded to a Russian dismissal of Britain as simply a 'small island'.


Whether anger on the campaign trail works is another matter entirely. David Cameron knows that passion will play well with voters, but his advisers will want to avoid him seeming to sneer or come across as a 'school bully'.

We know that a flash of anger is not always disastrous - Labour's John Prescott once punched a member of the public during an election campaign and still got elected.

Of course, election campaigns do require a certain toughness.

Let's keep it clean, though.

Olly Barratt - FSN UK correspondent

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